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Saturday, 12 March 2016

Prophet Obinim has replaced a broken bones with new bones for a 5 yrs old boy

A miracle happened in Ghana at the International Godsway church Accra. where a small boy of 5yrs was healed by the Man of God Daniel Angel Bishop Obinim.
A boy of 5 yrs with a problem ok often crack of bones healed by Obinim
A 5 years old boy was healed miraculously when his brokens were replaced by new bones through a spiritual operation by Obinim

This was what happened, a boy who was born just after 2 months started having a problems with his bones.Anytime the mother will carry him the mother will hear that there was a crack in his son’s bone.

The mother said this normally happened after every two weeks. The boy has been taken to the hospitals on several occasions but there was no remedy to have his  cracked  bones restored.

 For this reason they put POP all over the small boy’s body.
The situation of the boy became a great worry to the mother, it was then that he heard of a man of God. Angel Obinim.

Daniel prophet Obinim re-placed new bones with a broken bones for a small boy
Prophet Obinim healed a 5 yrs old boy of a broken bones by replacing it with a new bones through  spiritual operation dream
 He came to the man of God and explained the whole situation concerning her child health. The angel of God told the woman that she should not worry that He and his Father Jesus will visit the boy in a dream and operate on him.

The woman left with hope and believed what the man of God said. After some days, The woman had a dream that he saw the prophet Daniel Obinim in her dream and he was making an Operation on his son. 

She saw that The man of God replaced his son bones with a new ones he took from his spiritual warehouse.

The woman said the man of God cut his son legs, arms and removed his broken bones and replaced it with new bones. The man of God after the operation tells her that He has finished with the boy. So the woman woke up.

To the surprise of the woman, In the morning when she woke up and saw her son walking all by himself, which has never happened since he was born, the woman shouted that all those in the house came to witnessed the miracle that has taken place.

They later went to the hospital where the doctor said the boy is now okay. He is having a new bones. The woman came to the house of God to give her testimonies to the world and also thank the man of God for helping his son walk for the first time.
This is a true testimony.

God has given as angel on earth and he is doing a lot of miracles for the children of God.wherever you are in the world reading this great testimonies,I want to a sure you that God is still alive and He will heal you of any kind of illness, be it cancer,diabetes,aids just name them.

God will use the man of God Daniel  Obinim to heal you totally.Amen and God bless you.

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