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Showing posts with label word. Show all posts
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
What is Baptism

What is Baptism

Baptism represents the forgiveness of sins.
outdooring the-baptism
water baptism

The Greek ba′pti‧sma refers to the process of immersion, including submersion and emergence; it is derived from the verb Ba′pto, meaning "dip." (John 13:26) In the Bible, "to baptize" is the same as "to immerse." In illustration of this, The Holy Bible, An Improved Edition, renders Romans 6:3, 4 as follows: "Or, are ye ignorant, that all we who were baptized (immersed) into Christ Jesus were baptized (immersed) into his death? We were buried therefore with him through our baptism (immersion) into his death." (See also Ro; ED.) The Greek Septuagint uses a form of the same word for "dip" at Exodus 12:22 and Leviticus 4:6.
Complete immersion in water is a fitting symbol of this personal dedication, as baptism is a symbolic burial. Your going beneath the baptismal waters represents your dying to your former life course. Being raised out of the water symbolizes your being made alive to do God’s will.

Well, baptism affords you an opportunity to make your dedication to Jehovah God known publicly.—Romans 10:9, 10.

Of course, that does not mean that you will make no more mistakes, for all of us are imperfect and therefore sin daily. However, as a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah, you will have entered into a special relationship with him. Because of your repentance and your humble submission to baptism, Jehovah is willing to forgive your sins on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. Baptism thus leads to a clean conscience before God.—1 Peter 3:21.
The Greek ba′pti·sma refers to the process of immersion, including submersion and emergence; it is derived from the verb ba′pto, meaning “dip.” (John 13:26.) In the Bible, “to baptize” is the same as “to immerse.”

5 Greek words translated “baptize,” “baptism,” and so forth, refer to immersing, dipping, or plunging under water. Smith’s Bible Dictionary says: “Baptism properly and literally means immersion.” Certain Bible translations thus refer to “John the Immerser” and “John the dipper.” (Matthew 3:1, Rotherham; Diaglott interlinear) Augustus Neander’s History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries observes: “Baptism was originally administered by immersion.” The noted French work Larousse du XXe Siècle (Paris, 1928) comments: “The first Christians received baptism by immersion everywhere where water was found.” And the New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “It is evident that Baptism in the early Church was by immersion.” (1967, Volume II, page 56) So today, baptism as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a voluntary step involving total water immersion.

Baptism does not guarantee salvation. The apostle Paul wrote: “Keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) Baptism is only a beginning. The question is, How can you remain in God’s love? 


I hope you like this message on baptism , kindly share it to to your love ones and the
 world.someone is in need of it.God bless u
God hates Sin as much as He Loves

God hates Sin as much as He Loves

God -hate sin as much as he- loves
 God hates Sin as much as He Loves
Although God loves all mankind; God also equally hates sin. God has an unconditional hatred for sin. It matters not how kind, generous and loving you may be—you will be cast into hellfire on Judgment Day if you refuse to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Bible commands (Revelation 20:11-15). The Beatles sang their hit song, LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED. That is false. All the love in the world won't keep you out of Hell if you die in your sins. You had better get born-again and then you can one day die in the Lord and go to Heaven . . . “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their Labours; and their works do follow them” (Revelation 14:13). Every person will one day either die IN THEIR SINS, or else they will DIE IN THE LORD. Sadly, George Harrison and John Lennon of The Beatles likely died in their sins.
God is a holy God—a morally perfect God who is incapable of doing wrong. God is a good God, whose holiness demands justice. As such, sinful men must be punished for violating God's holy Law. This is why we read in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death...” Mankind is inherently sinful and deserves to be punished in Hell. Adam brought sin and death into the world by his own sin (Romans 5:12).
We are all sinners, incapable of pleasing God in our own self-righteousness (Romans 3:10-23; Isaiah 64:6; Ephesians 2:8,9. Thankfully, God sent His only begotten Son into the world (John 3:16) to pay for our sins with His own blood (1st Peter 1:18,19; Acts 20:28). Jesus came into the world in the flesh, i.e. the Godhead became incarnate (John 1:1-3,14; 1st Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9). 
Having said that, I want all my web visitors to know that I love you too, with God's unconditional love that He has shed abroad in my heart... “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:5). I preach against sin because I love God, and He has commanded each believer to do so (Psalm 94:16; Ephesians 5:11). God bless you for reading

please kindly share these powerful verses with the world,because someone will be blessed and transformed through it.
Sunday, 3 May 2015


                                                                                  Do not be conformed to this World

do -not be -conformed to- this world
Do not be conformed to this world

In the book of John, Jesus let us know that in the world we shall not find peace except in Him. what does the world means here?.The world, stand for  life that is SIN, a life that does not fall in line with the Bible. You  can ‘ t  love this world and at the same time love God. This world in which we live is full of evil, envies ,greediness ,unfaithfulness, deception, lies, fornication  ,adultery,  and all sort of violence. Anyone who conformed to the standard of this world cannot please God.This is the reason why Jesus is telling you and I in the book of Romans12:2 not to follow the pattern of this world, but rather we should

rather fix your attention on God. you have to chose God not the world. Anyone who loves this world will fall prey to the devil, because the world is being controlled by Satan. God loves us and He will not let us  go wayward ***. Glory ***


Saturday, 2 May 2015
what is the bible all about

what is the bible all about

What the bible is all about
The holy-bible
The holy bible

The word “Bible” comes from the Latin and Greek words meaning “book,” a fitting name, since the Bible is the book for all people, for all time. It’s a book like no other, in a class by itself.

  There are Sixty-six different books which  are made  of  the Bible. They include books of law, such as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, historical books, such as ACTS and EZRA, books of poetry, such as Psalms and Ecclesiastes; books of prophecy, such as Isaiah and Revelation; biographies, such as Matthew and John; and epistles (formal letters) such as Titus and Hebrews. 

 The Divisions
The Bible is divided into two  main major parts.That's  the Old Testament and the New Testament. 

 The Old Testament is the story about before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.It also talk about the creation of the world,how God fulfil his promise to the nation of Israel. (Genesis 12:2-3).,the wonderful works of the Major and Minor Prophets.
The New Testament

The new testaments also talk about The Lord Jesus Christ,His birth,his ministry,his Cruxification and his resurrection.we have books like the Mathew,Mark,John Hebrews and Revelation

we as Christians Have to be devoted in reading the Bible everyday in other to grow spiritually .Amen.

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