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Sunday 13 March 2016

Daniel Obinim is An Angel of God

One of the most powerful man of God The Almighty God is using in our days here in Ghana and the whole world is Bishop Daniel Obinim.
God has made Daniel Obinim An Angel of God.All the testimonies shows its real.He goes into people dreams to deliver them,heal.operate and work out miracles.

Prophet Daniel Obinim is the general Overseer of  International Godsway Church. He is having branches at Tema motoway round About,  Ashely Botwe (school junction) at Accra.
His other Branches are aslo located at Kumasi, Cape coast and USA. Most of you here in Ghana have heard of the man of God Prophet Daniel Obinim but has not actually find out more about him.To me he is such a wonderful man of God.Get to know and i tell you your life will never be the me.
Many has also heard a lot or say a lot of  stories about Him which they have not tried or taken any steps in finding out the truth in those stories.To me personally I think it will be a good step to find out more about Him  before drawing a conclusion.
Obinim is a simple and humble man of God. He loves God and have devoted his all to serve God.I am always getting to know him day in out and I have found him to be very wonderful person.He preaches deep things about God.
Prophet Daniel Obinim has been given  to Ghanaian and the world as a gift, to liberate  those in bondage, heal the sick, help people and take people from poverty.Are you sick or having any special problem?? don’t hesitate to seek for this Man of God.
The way God is using Obinim is so marvelous. The testimonies showing daily on OB TV is just beyond human comprehension.All  Ghanaians should support  this great Man of God Daniel Obinim and believe also that he is God sent.
When Ghanaians embrace this precious truth I can a sure the people of our nation that God will use Him to bless our nation GHANA.God bless you Prophet and continue the good works of God.

written by Esther L.A
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